Dixon School District #9
Upcoming Dates to Note:
10/03 Midterm
10/7-10/11 Fire Prevention Week
10/09 School Board Meeting 5 pm- Music Room
10/17-10/18 PIR days- No school for students
10/21-10/25 Red Ribbon Week
10/25 Homecoming Parade- Charlo
11/13 School Board Meeting 5 pm- Music Room
11/14 End of 1st Trimester
11/18 PIR day- no school for students
11/21 Parent Teacher Conference
11/27 1 pm Early Release
11/28-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
12/20 1pm Early Release
Dixon School or Bison Stampede T-shirts For Sale!
Call Shawna @ 246-3566 to place your orders and discuss payment options. Thank you in advance for supporting and celebrating our BISON student academics, artists, and athletes!
It is our pleasure to welcome you to Dixon Elementary School ~ home of the Bison! Our entire staff is committed to academic excellence, as well as the social enrichment and emotional support of our students.
Our daily goal is to establish a strong personal and academic foundation rooted in the Bison Be's –
and Be SAFE
Our Vision is to provide a quality education for all students. Our goal is to provide the necessary academic, behavioral, and creative thinking skills that will allow all students to be successful through their school career and life!
Dixon Public School Child Find - Preschool Screening
When: Tuesday October 29, 2024, 12:00 - 3:00
Where: Dixon Public School
What: A free Developmental and Preschool Screening Clinic for children ages 0 to 5 in the Dixon School District. This free screening will include gross motor, fine motor, language concepts, communication concepts, communication skills, hearing and vision screening.
Call and schedule your appointment at (406)-246-3566
For more information select this LINK
Coronavirus/ESSER Information
The US Department of Education required the Montana Office of Public Instruction to establish a process for district plans consistent with the ARP ESSER requirement for the use of ARP ESSER funds and to ensure plans are made available to the public prior to August 24, 2021.
The plan must include how districts will:
- Use funds to implement prevention and mitigation strategies;
- Use funds totaling not less than 20% to address lost instructional time;
- Spend its remaining 80% of ARP ESSER funds;
- Respond to needs of student populations disproportionally affected by the pandemic; and
- Meaningfully engage with and consult stakeholders in crafting their plans.
As with the Dixon School Safe Return to In-Person School and Continuity of Learning Plan, this plan provides another way for state and federal agencies to ensure responsible use of funding as we collaborate to meet district goals of keeping student, staff, and community health and well-being a priority.Dixon School District 9 LE#0809 ARP ESSER Plan Update Reviewed August 2024ARP ESSER Plan Reviewed July, 2024 ARP ESSER PLAN Reviewed May, 2024ARP ESSER PLAN Reviewed April, 2024 ARP Plan reviewed February, 2024ARP ESSER Plan Update - May, 2023ARP ESSER PLAN Update - January, 2023ARP ESSER PLAN Update - December, 2022, ARP ESSER PLAN - June, 2022Dixon School District #9 LE#0809 ARP ESSER PLAN FEEDBACK AND QUESTIONS
Section 2001(i)(1) of the ARP Act requires each district to develop and make publicly available on their website a plan for the Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan. We are currently seeking public comment on the Dixon School Safe Return Plan as we continue to draft our next steps.
Please take some time to review our plan and provide feedback.
Dixon School District 9 LE#0809 Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan - Updated Monthly
Click to register for FREE books for Sanders County children ages 5 and under!
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